Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Aproape 3 in 1... sau 1 in 3

Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou

Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou

Reprezentarea chipului lui Isus pe lemne de diferite dimensiuni. Am inceput sa lucrez la trei in acelasi timp. A treia e inca in lucru. O voi posta in curand.
P.S. Ambele sunt in drum spre Italia! De fapt, una a juns deja.
The representation of the face of Jesus on different lengths of wood. I started working on them at the same time. Will post the other soon.
P.S. Both of the displayed ones are on their way to Italy. Actually, one is already there.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sfintii Mihail si Gavril

Tempera pe lemn
A plecat la Arad
Wood handpainted icon, egg tempera
Sold in Arad, Romania

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sfantul Iosif

Icoana pe lemn
Vanduta in Austria
Wood handpainted icon
Sold in Austria

Monday, December 13, 2010

Chipul lui Iisus

Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou
Wood handpainted icon, egg tempera

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Next! Sfantul Gheorghe

Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou
(40 x 32)
More to come!

under construction... Deisis

Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou
(40 x 32)
Expozitie de icoane, 16 decembrie la Opera din Timisoara
Wood handpainted icon, egg tempera made for icon expo in Timisoara, 16th dec. 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Iisus Pantocrator cu Maica Sfanta si Ioan Botezatorul

Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou
Vanduta in Germania
Wood handpained icon, egg tempera
Sold in Germany

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chipul lui Iisus pe piatra

Icoana pe piatra, tempera cu ou
Stone painted icon, egg tempera
Facuta in 5 minute :)
Made in 5 minutes :)

Iisus sepia

Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou.
Wood handpainted icon, egg tempera

Am incercat un efect de sepia, pentru a diferentia icoana de ceea ce se gaseste in mod normal pe piata.
I tried a sepia effect, just to differentiate this icon fro what you can normally find on the market.

Maica Domnului

Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou
Wood handpainted icon, egg tempera

Friday, November 5, 2010

Iisus Hristos

Icoana pe piatra, tempera cu ou
Stone handpainted icon, egg tempera

Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul

Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou
Wood handpainted icon, egg tempera

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou
Wood handpainted icon, egg tempera

Maica Domnului

Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou
Wood handpainted icon, egg tempera


Icoana pe lemn, tehnica encaustica (pigment cu emulsie de ceara)
Wood painted icon, encaustic tehnique (wax emulsion and colour pigments)

Sfantul Chiril

Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou
Wood handpainted icon, egg tempera

Sfantul Gheorghe si Balaurul

Icoana pe lemn, tempera cu ou
Wood hand painted icon, egg tempera